My first exposure to religion was as a young child. At the age of 5,
I was baptized into The First Congregational Church in Brewer, Maine. For all
those not familiar with the Congregational Church, a quick history lesson
should refresh your memory. Does the word Puritan mean anything to you? It was
a quaint church overlooking the Penobscot River. The beautiful stain glass
windows illuminated the interior as the morning sun rose in the sky. I went to
church with my family on Sundays, sat quietly and very still on the pew
mimicking what the others did when they did it, yet I can't remember a word of
what was ever preached in that church. My only memory is the feeling that there
was more to it than what I was being told. I wanted to be touched by the real hand
of God, but somehow, I always eluded His omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent grasp.
By the time I was 11, often, I walked to church alone or with my best friend, Margie who I asked to accompany me after she'd spend the night at my house. Her mother was dying from Hodgkin's
disease, so she sought comfort elsewhere during that time in her life. My door was always open and I welcomed her companionship (and still do after all these years). One
Wednesday night she asked me to go to church with her. But it was
Wednesday...who goes to church on Wednesday? I soon found out. The Baptist
preacher bellowed from the pulpit condemning all sinners to burn eternally in
the flames of Hell. As he spoke and thumped his fist on the pulpit to drive
home his words, I was certain he was speaking to me personally. I was doomed to
burn in Hell if I didn't seek out Salvation, so when my friend asked me to
attend Bible camp with her during that summer, I eagerly accepted. Maybe God
would reveal himself to me at Bible camp.

We met in old army style tents outside a host church on Eddington Pond for various daily religious classes and
activities. Each day, we were expected to memorize a new Bible verse. When that feat wasn't accomplished, off the person went to see the preacher. They always would
return subdued and extremely repentant. When they upped memorizing the verses from 1 to 2, I panicked. I had trouble focusing and remembering the
words. So naturally, I froze when I was asked to stand and recite my verses. My mind
went blank and the interior of the large tent seemed darker and filled with
impending doom. I felt true shame as I walked to the preacher’s office inside
the church. I remember my long, slender legs shaking and feeling weak as I
entered his office after knocking. I stood before him looking down at the
At first, he spoke softly, and I lifted my eyes to meet his. He
peered into my soul and I shivered. He stood and walked around me, then laid
his hand on the back of my head. I trembled as he prayed for me and it seemed
my fear ignited something in him. His voice slowly became louder and louder
until it filled the whole room. I was a sinner and without a doubt, I was going
to burn in Hell for all eternity.
As the tears ran down my face, I was instructed to kneel. I felt
almost relieved to stop standing. My legs were weak and trembling. I cried and
prayed and asked God's forgiveness. My pleading was frantic. I asked God to
enter me and fill me with His Spirit. I truly wanted His Grace, but the only
grace I would receive that day was being bent over a desk and being told to
bare myself. As the pastor spanked my bare bottom, his voice trembled as he prayed for
me. Each time his hand met my flesh, it lingered for a moment. When he finally
stopped, he stood behind me while I repeated the verses.
I could feel the intensity of his eyes gazing down upon me. Each
time he said, "say them again," his voice trembled, and his breathing
quickened. Suddenly, his voice changed and the words that came from him were
ones I had never heard before. He was speaking in some foreign language I didn’t
understand. And then silence. It was finally over! By the time I covered my
bare bottom, my skin was so tender it hurt to have the fabric of my panties brush
across my bottom.
As I walked back to the tent, the realization filled me that
something had just happened, but I wasn’t quite sure what that something was. Did
God finally “touch” me? Had I finally received His Grace? It wasn't until many
years later when I awoke screaming from a nightmare that I realized what had
happened that day and I wondered how many others like me had been filled with the
good pastor’s Spirit of God.

Each summer during my mother's vacation from work my family would go stay at my Aunt Leah's camp on Eddington Pond. My family wasn't fortunate enough to own a camp so we had to rely on her generosity. As I got older, my brothers stopped going to camp and opted to stay home so they could have legendary parties. While the cat's away the mice will play and play my brothers did!
I hadn't reached the "I don't want to go to camp" stage yet. The highlight of my days at camp as I got older were the boys who had a camp next door. As with any 13 almost 14 year old girl, I immediately developed a crush on one of the boys named Jimmy. I've always had a run of bad luck with guys with that name, but I finally learnt my lesson after marrying one. This "ginger" Jimmy gave me my first real taste of what rejection felt like. How humiliating it is to feel like the ugly duckling and the odd man out. I hated feeling not good enough. I hated being me. Why couldn't I have been born a small, dainty beauty instead of a lanky-legged, awkward ugly duckling?
I've always had self-destructive tendencies as far back as I can remember. Although I've only halfheartedly tried the big "S" a few times, I now wonder what was my actual goal when I downed a whole bottle of aspirin chased by a massive amount of straight whisky. Did I have any idea that it could have killed me? More importantly, was I disappointed when it didn't kill me?
My mother brought a whole gallon of Canadian Club whisky to camp that summer and now I wonder why she did that. My mother wasn't a drinker. Did she have plans of entertaining after the children were tucked snugly into bed in the loft overlooking the pond? If so, I never saw any evidence of it. Were my actions a cry for help or was I just looking for the attention I obviously wasn't getting? So many questions in hindsight, but never any beforehand.
After going on a very animated teenage tirade that probably resembled the Tasmanian Devil going after Bugs Bunny and ingesting the only things available to me at the time...a bottle of aspirin and whisky, I remember continually vomiting until all I could do is dry heave and heave and heave. At that point the desire to die was more than just a fleeting impulse. I felt so bad, dying would have been a welcome relief. The next morning when asked about my "illness" I passed off what was wrong with me as being some type of intestinal ailment when in reality I probably should have been in the hospital.
It always amazed me how strong my mother's sense of denial was. She was a nurse and never "saw" all the classic signs I exhibited of a teenager in crisis. All my stunts went unnoticed until I eventually overdosed on barbiturates at school less than two years later and was rushed to the ER. Since she worked at that hospital, it was out of the question for me to try to cover up that one. Oops! I got too high and forgot how many pills I had taken! Actually, that was the truth. In those days, I ate pills like candy. If 3 were good, 6 or more were spectacular. Who knew how many drugs I had in my system at any given time? Like an alcoholic, one could never be too high unless it resulted in being unconscious or comatose. Oh, what a wonderful gene pool from which I come!
My ears rang so loudly for the better part of a week that I could hardly hear anything, but the ringing. I felt like I had a severe case of the flu. I hurt all over and I couldn't keep anything in my stomach for several days. My best friend, Margie witnessed my descent into a dark, dangerous place. She had accompanied me to camp that summer and fretted over me. When I look back, I wonder how close she came to ratting me out. It must have been difficult for her to watch me be in so much pain and to self-destruct without saying a word. How frightened must she have been for my well-being and ultimate survival. (I'm sorry for doing that to you, Margie! I'm sorry for doing that to myself.)
Now, I look back and wonder where my mother was during all my brouhahas and why she had left Margie and I unattended that evening out in the boondocks in a place without a phone. The unattended theme carried through the next summer as well. By that time, I had a boyfriend (BTW, his name was not Jimmy) and that boyfriend was allowed to come stay at camp with me. Oh, what a summer that was! Skinny-dipping, frolicking in the summer sun and lazy nights and early mornings spent listening to the loons echo their cry across the pond while wrapped in each other's arms. For awhile, I got the attention I needed and wanted and then poof! It was gone and so was I. I stayed "gone" for quite a long time until I eventually allowed myself to start healing, but to this day, just a faint aroma of whisky still makes me nauseous.