Showing posts with label writing test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing test. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

This Test Is Absolutely 100% Accurate!

Just for fun, I did this I Write Like test by letting a sample of my writing be analyzed by a computer program. You can stop laughing anytime now! The ONLY difference between Ann Rice and me is about $60 million and a little thing called talent. Other than that, she and I are just alike. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Addendum 5/1/18 2:41 pm CST:
I'm proud to announce that I copied and pasted a random excerpt from Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire and had it analyzed. Anne should be proud to know she writes like Stephanie Meyer [sarcasm inserted] I'm sorry, but vampires DO NOT sparkle in the daylight! Insatiable, sultry Lestat De Lioncourt vs Bedazzled Edward Cullen, the vanilla vampire? Seriously? Lestat would literally have Edward for lunch!

* Repost from May 1, 2018