Thursday, May 17, 2018



  1. I wanted to see this movie in our local theater last year but missed it but I see that it is on Netflix and this trailer makes me want to see it more.

    1. I definitely will be watching it on Netflix. I've always been a huge Van Gogh fan. I'm sure the movie will be stellar.

  2. How in the name of all things holy did I NOT know about this? Thank you so much for the trailer. I have rented this for tonight on Prime and will be ordering it as well.

    After I watched the trailer, I watched this, as well.

    Great way to start the day.

    For the record. I've always thought your work reminiscent of Gaugin. Which I love, by the way.

    1. I'm so happy that I was able to brighten your day. Make sure to eat some popcorn for me.

      Also, thanks for the link. It's amazing the amount of work and genius that went into the making of Loving Vincent.

      My work? Gaugin? Wow! What type of drugs are you taking? Whatever it is, I thank you for your extremely kind words. I haven't painted anything in quite awhile. I guess I should do something about that! What about you? What's your last masterpiece?

  3. and for the hell of it. I will say, AS WELL, one more time.
