Monday, October 15, 2018


Coming home from picking up a prescription tonight I saw this in my neighborhood. I think someone has absolutely lost their mind.

These are NOT Halloween decorations! If you look carefully you'll see more decoration on the fence they don't have turned on yet. I think this must be a work in progress. What I should have done was gotten out of the car and started singing Christmas carols. Perhaps if I could sing, I would have done exactly that.


  1. I am soooo not ready to think about Christmas. And Halloween only happens in the stores here.

  2. Some people are just over the top with Christmas. My feeling is that these people are the ones that light up the whole block with lights, music and blow up Santas. My sympathy to their neighbors.

  3. I understand in retail, we have a short window frame to sell seasonal goods, but out of retail, let's enjoy one season first shall we???

    1. But do we have to? What did people do before Christmas became so commercial?

  4. I read an article about a family decorating with lights and stuff b/c another family member was terminally ill and may not make it to the holidays. Gave me pause when I read that. It's certainly too early for it under regular circumstances though.

    1. That's such a sweet thought and I can only hope if that's the case with these people that they celebrate Christmas in the true meaning of the season.

  5. The lights may be this new thing I just read about … Halloween Christmas Trees. After hearing about them, I Googled a few images. From a distance, it looks like Christmas but, up close, you'd see Halloween things on the tree.

    1. I was close enough to see that they were indeed Christmas lights. I think some people go overboard with Christmas, but since they didn't ask me for my advice they can go right on decorating and spending money and I'll continue being the Grinch. :D

  6. fuck Christmas. and fuck Halloween just for the hell of it.

