Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Recently a big, burly, beer-drinkin' redneck dude was talking to me about having a just a lil fight with his lil lady. When I asked him to define "lil fight" he gave me a blank look like I was an idiot for not knowing what he meant. God, I love it when a man does that! I said, "Okay let me help you help me understand. I want you to select what happened from one of the following:

a. a "disagreement" is a verbal confrontation in which the involved parties usually come to some sort of compromise or settlement.

b. an "argument" is a heated verbal assault in which the involved parties usually have to cool down before a resolution can be made.

c. a "fight" is a physical confrontation usually initiated by harsh words in which no compromise, resolution or settlement is made. "

He said, "damn girl, I didn't realize those 3 things meant 3 different things, but I reckon it was the first one. It was just a lil fight."  

I laughed and went on to ask him if he also says his wife "bitches" all the time.  I tried to educate him about selecting the proper use of words, but I didn't make much head way.  I do think he at least thought about what I had to say even though he really didn't understand a word I said because I'm just some old damn Yankee transplant livin' on the Redneck Riviera! Yehaw! Let's get 'er done! 
Being from Maine is like being from another planet. I've actually been asked if we have indoor plumbing in Maine. Ayuh! Ever since about 1980! We have to wait until the ground thaws out before we can dig to lay any pipe. Gotta love Maine sarcasm...God, I miss it! Now, I have Martha livin' next door to me I get a dose of it just about every day.


  1. Oh how this made me laugh! I live in the south. Northern VA, suburb of DC but the old ones are still here! When is CA a few weeks ago I was asked the difference between a hillbilly and a redneck when I said my someone was a hillbilly. I wasn't going to give my opinion for fear of offending the family trump people at the table. So I said, oh there is a difference trust me. Rick nodded and later we had a good laugh. You my dear I fear was talking to a redneck. :-)

    1. Don't laugh too hard it'll hurt your leg. There definitely is a difference between being a hillbilly and being a redneck. I think I found one definition that comes closest to what my thinking aligns with. Redneck implies racism, intolerance, and bigotry. Hillbilly implies lack of sophistication and possibly poverty. I know it goes a lot deeper than that but that scrapes the surface at least.

  2. My partner is seriously directionally challenged. I am not sure which planet he comes from, but doubt he could find his way home again.
    Snorting with mirth at your description of the conversation. And glad it was just a lil fight.

    1. Around these parts you never know what a lil fight is or is not unless you witness it yourself. Maybe you need to get your partner a compass. :)

  3. Next time someone says they are surprised you had indoor plumbing, tell them, "Not as surprised as I was that you had it when I moved here."

  4. thems down south ain't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

  5. I live in the country and we have some colorful characters here but mostly just people that March to the beat of their own drum, not complete idiots.

  6. Poor man. Bless his pea-pickin' little heart. (Leftover phrase from my Oklahoma heritage.)
