Wednesday, July 15, 2020


My little 12 lb. doodle (dachshund/poodle mix) is a total love bug. The first thing he does whenever anyone comes to my house is brings them one of his toys so they can play with him. He loves to play fetch. Now, if the person doesn't follow his lead then he starts coaxing the person by "talking" to them by making his cute noises until the person pays attention. Hey, wake up! You're in my house and there's certain rules one must abide by in this house and playing with the doodle is one of them. It's mandatory.

His name is B.A. which doesn't mean anything. B. A. = Be Anything, but after the other night I think it needs to stand for BADASS.  My Shih Tzu, Fenway is the Queen and the alpha dog of the house. She runs the roost.  Fenway weighs about 16 lbs. Libby is a Dandie Dinmont Terrier and she weighs about 16 lbs. Although Fenway runs the roosts, she doesn't have what I would say is an aggressive personality. She's just bossy! Libby is generally pretty laid back until she's provoked or agitated and then she becomes very aggressive. 

One of the first things a person notices when they come here is the amount of toys my dogs have, but the toys aren't for my dogs. They belong to B.A.!!! You see, if B.A. didn't have those toys to chew on, we wouldn't have a house. When he was younger, he chewed everything! And when I say everything. I mean EVERYTHING! He ate my box spring to my bed. He ate the living room carpet. He ate countless comforters on my bed. He ate eyeglasses. He ate my mother's false teeth. He ate furniture like he was a beaver. The question should be what didn't he eat?  He doesn't do that stuff now, but he has his toys to chew on and he "husks" his toys.  By husking them I mean he pulls all the stuffing and the squeakers out of them. And once he husks them we can't throw them away. So we have a toy box filled with toys in various stages of being destroyed, but to B.A. they're still great. He still drags them around like they're brand new.

One of B.A.'s duties is to protect the house and the yard and he takes that job very seriously. He has no idea that he's only a 12 pound lean mean fighting machine. Each time he goes outside he patrols the backyard and the inside of the garage. It's really funny to watch him follow the same route each time.  He goes in back of each bush and sniffs everything all over. Nothing happens in the yard that he doesn't know about. He's on top of everything! Once he killed a mole and brought it inside for us to praise him. When we tried to take it away from him he took it under the bed. Yuck! He doesn't bother the birds or squirrels and that surprises me. But I think that may be because he sees me interact with them. Libby chases the squirrels, but they're too quick for her to catch. Fenway wouldn't care if an elephant was standing in the middle of the yard, but she will bark if she hears a dog down the street barking. She wants them to know where the queen lives. I suppose in their own way they do their jobs and that's what they're supposed to do.

The other evening after dinner I took all three dogs. I go out with them even though I do have a large fenced backyard. Before we knew it Libby and B.A. had cornered a raccoon, and then B. A. got it and killed it. I tried my best to intercede and tried to get B.A. to release the raccoon, but he wouldn't let go of it. He had a death grip on it and kept shaking it. By the time he did let go, it was dead. The other racoon kept trying to crawl up my pant leg because it was terrorized. I finally got it to leave before Libby noticed it and I hope it got scared enough to not come back in the yard again.

What freaked me out was how ferocious B.A. was. He's only 12 pounds...he kills rats, he kills moles. Who knows what else he kills. I know he runs off feral cats, but I think he'd have his hands full with a feral cat if he got in a fight with one. I realized once I started feeding the birds, the birdseed would attract other creatures, but I don't want a whole zoo in my yard and I definitely don't want my dogs fighting with wild animals. Sigh! I guess I need to start paying closer attention to what's happening outside in the menagerie before I let the killer hounds outside at dusk.

And I still feel horrible about the raccoon...
I'm an animal lover
Well, I don't love rats and stuff like that, but raccoons are cute.
And I know B.A. was only doing what his instinct told him to do, but it still made me feel bad...


  1. Sometimes it's the smallest dogs who are the fiercest and B.A. certainly shows the truth of that!

    1. But he's so gentle and such a little love bug. When you offer him something to eat and he takes it from your hand, he barely takes it he's so gentle. This was the first time I actually got to witness him in action and it wasn't pretty. Animals are animals!

  2. Replies
    1. Just what I need...a cute killer! Wasn't Ted Bundy good looking? B.A. is nine years old but he thinks he's still a puppy. In fact, he'll always be a puppy. He hasn't slowed down much over the years.

  3. BA chewing the false teeth would have made you a lot of money on You Tube, at least enough to replace them

    1. He's a character for sure. Fenway and he have a daily routine that my friend, Martha used to threaten to videotape. We called it doggie porn. It was truly hilarious. And these two were spayed and neutered years ago.

  4. I have always had dachshunds as dogs buy Buster is the first dachshund be able mix I have had. And you can't tell them there little dogs....and they will purposely pull antics to get a laugh i think. Yours is a real cutie pie.

    1. He's not only a real cutie pie, but he's smarter than most people. It's funny to watch him in action and how he manipulates things.

  5. I thought I knew this but I looked it up anyway... "the miniature dachshund was bred to hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice." So she's just doing what she was bred for.

    1. Yeah, I knew dachshunds were bred to hunt. Larger ones hunt badgers. But to see him in action is another thing. And on the other hand the Shih Tzu was bred to be a lap dog plain and simple and that is what she is.

  6. Ouch.
    I would feel bad too, but your pint-sized assassin was only doing what he needed to do.

  7. Wow. When I was a boy, my uncle had a Dandie Dinmont Terrier named Sandy, aka "The Fuzzard." I've never heard of anyone else ever having one.

    1. I'd never heard of anyone else having one either. I got Libby about 5 or 6 years ago when my daughter in law's mother was in the hospital. I was taking care of Libby for her while she was in the hospital. Unfortunately, she passed away while she was in the hospital and we ended up keeping Libby. I believe I have pictures of her posted of a past post if you care to look it up under the LABELS of her name.

  8. Along with dachshund and poodle, it sounds like there's a bit of bloodhound in there.

    1. Without a doubt, he's a force to be reckoned with but he really is a little love bug.

  9. Have no dog … last one was Piwo (which means beer in Polish:) Now I have cat Theo Thunderbutt … feral and oh so shy but also oh so friendly … he is allowed anything and everything … lay on ma counter, check … lay on ma table, check … lay in ma bed, check … smiles … Love, cat.

    1. My daughter has a whole bunch of feral cats she cares for plus her inside cats and 2 little dogs. She's like to raise Maine Coon cats. Theo Thunderbutt is a cute name. It sounds almost majestic. It sounds like Theo owns the places just like a cat. :)

  10. I have mixed feelings: It's not easy looking into the eyes of a cold-blooded killer and still wanting to give him a treat and a hug. Damned animals.

    1. I know you have mixed feelings and so do I. I was furious at BA when it first happened, but it's hard to stay angry at something so cute and he was only defending his territory and doing what his instinct dictated. Yes, damned animals!

  11. And what would be do without them? Not sure life would be worth living.
