Friday, January 31, 2025

Gastroparesis Blues

They always say the older you get the wiser you get but in my case that doesn't hold true. One of the many things I struggle with having is gastroparesis. I have to be very careful what I consume because my digestive system is like some delicate Southern Belle on a tyrannical rampage or more accurately called a hissy fit. Because I'm a diabetic, one of the diabetic meds I'm taking is a med that is actually contraindicated for gastroparesis, but the doctors feel the benefits outweigh the negative effects.  When I have a severe gastroparesis flare I'm supposed to take a short holiday from the med, but I rarely do that because my blood sugar instantly goes out of whack if I stop taking the med even if it's just for a few days. 

I've worked so hard in the last several years to get my diabetes in control that I just would rather not chance seeing all my hard work go down the toilet so to speak. Several days ago, I stupidly ate a piece of steak. It's the first beef I've eaten in such a long just looked and smelled so good when I was cooking it for everyone else that I had to taste it and there enters my downfall. I knew what was going to happen before the first piece of steak even touched my lips! Of course, I ate the whole piece! The steak sat in my stomach undigested for what seemed like forever and caused my digestive system some ungodly distress.  I ate cucumbers a few years ago and thought I was going to die for about a week. Needless to say, I haven't eaten cucumbers since then. I'll think twice before I eat steak again. A friend suggested I just chew the steak to get all the flavor out of it and then spit it out. Hey friend, have you ever met me? Hmmmm! Do I have that kind of self control? I'll answer that when I stop laughing. 


  1. Oh dang that really sucks. But I get it. I'm on a bunch of medications too and have to be careful what I eat. I'm diabetic too so I know that sucks. Hopefully you won't have anymore stomach problems for a while.

  2. Sounds like a real cross to bear . . . unpleasant!

  3. Wow that diagnosis is a tough one. I have digestive issues but what you have is horrible.

  4. Ugh, I hate that anyone has to have this, especially you.
