Wednesday, December 07, 2022


In light of the pen being mightier than the sword post, I was just thinking about how cruel people can be at times especially during those years between ages 5 and 18. I think we've all known a bully or two in our lifetimes or perhaps we, ourselves were that bully. During Junior High School (it still seems weird to call it Middle School now) we had a definitive way of knowing exactly where each of us stood in the grand scheme of things and in the hierarchy of popularity. I was always fortunate enough to be a social chameleon during those years and to fit into whatever group I was around at the time. I have to shamefully admit I participated in bullying in a passive aggressive way by helping pigeon hole people. 

The aptly named SLAM BOOK was without a doubt a way to express all those things we otherwise might never say out loud directly to someone we disliked...or liked. The times were masked by a cloud of peace and love and were perfumed with the aroma of incense and marijuana, so calling someone out after school to roll around in the gravel to settle a dispute was no longer deemed as cool. A version of Mean Girls 1960's style was quickly developed to take its place. 

Today, I hear the internet is used in much the same way. Maybe the before mentioned SLAM BOOK was just a Maine thing or a Bangor, Maine thing, although I doubt it. I believe the concept was far reaching and as I think about today's bullies, I can't believe kids don't indulge in something as creative as a SLAM BOOK or do they? Is that what all the social networking websites are used for by the youth of today? Is it a way of stalking, bullying and being a rotten, unfeeling bitch or bastard to unsuspecting, undeserving, defenseless individuals? 

For those of you who are scratching your heads and wondering what in the world I'm talking about, let me enlighten you. Quite simply, to create a SLAM BOOK all it took was a notebook...preferably a spiral notebook. A sign-in page was kept separate from the notebook and was always kept in the possession of the creator of the SLAM BOOK and no one else. Each person was assigned a number whereas to keep their identity a secret. Anonymity was a crucial factor for a great SLAM BOOK. Once a person had a number then the object was to go through the book writing how you truthfully felt about each person and any topic listed. If the first page of the Slam Book was headed by my name then it looked something like this: 


Mildred needs to take her meds on a regular basis and stop acting like such a lunatic! The next time she comes at me with her enema bag, I'm going to knock her into next week. πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹(I love you, Mildred and your parties are superior to all others!) XXXXOOOOO ------------------------------- 

What a douche! πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©She stole my boyfriend! 

There's a special place in hell for girls like her! πŸ”₯


   One of the funniest chicks I know.😈  

Always up for an adventure.



        4                                        πŸ‘πŸ‘

                                                  22                                                          🌞+


* Repost from November 2, 2011                                                                                                                  


Truth #11: Words are immensely powerful. One cruel remark can scar someone for life. They always say the pen is mightier than the sword and I have to agree because words have the ability to have far-reaching and longer effect than the quick swipe of a sword blade. That sword blade may be swift, deadly and accurate, but a person's words will remain with you always to continue causing pain and suffering long after they have been spoken. They come back to haunt you at unexpected times and in unexpected places and for those reasons I say the pen is mightier than the sword. 

Tuesday, December 06, 2022


Truth #10: Saying "no" is one of the hardest things a person must learn how to do and it's also one of the most empowering words a person can say at times. Many times throughout a person's life one might get trapped into the mindset of being a people-pleaser and never saying no to anything or anyone. If you become that person, you find yourself struggling by always taking on too many things and overloading yourself. The stress can become unbearable at times. People around you know you're the go to person because you'll get it done no matter what. No matter what the cost and you're the one in the end who will have the nervous breakdown! Do yourself a favor and learn to say no once in awhile.


Nestled away on Pensacola Beach is this strange little house that seems to attract attention from anyone who drives past it...

According to the articles, the Futuro House heritage is traced as far back to 1889.

Monday, December 05, 2022


Truth #9: A lot of what children learn from their parents isn’t taught on purpose. When you stop and think about how malleable a child is and how careless and blind an adult can be at times, the combination often times leads to lifelong emotional scars. A child starts learning from day one and many times we don't think they are paying attention to us and what we are doing and saying, but they are. They'll emulate us and copy our behavior even when they know we are wrong. 


I encourage anyone who visits the Pensacola area to take the time to visit these two memorials. They are located across the street from each other along Bayfront Parkway.

The National Memorial to Missing Children was the idea of Kathy Gaut, whose 19-year-old daughter disappeared from Pensacola in 1992. The odd bronze sculpture of two giant bronze forearms and hands arched over a naked mom, dad, and baby by Sarasota artist,  Sam Nettles, was dedicated in 2002. There have been complaints that homeless people sleep around the out-of-the-way memorial -- but the sculpture is named, after all, "The Sanctuary" and is located  across the street from the Veterans Memorial Park.

The Veterans Memorial Park is home of Wall South, the first permanent replica of the National Vietnam War Memorial. Founded in 1992 the Park has since grown and prospered. It now includes a WWI Memorial, a WWII Memorial, a Korean War Memorial, and a running series of plaques to honor local warriors who have fallen in the Global War on Terror. There is also a Purple Heart Memorial and a monument to the submarine lifeguards who rescued so many Navy pilots in WWII (including President George Herbert Walker Bash). Most recently, it is home to the Marine Corps Aviation Bell Tower, which has become a popular venue for local veteran's events and ceremonies. 

Our Park continues to grow. A Revolutionary War Memorial has been approved and will shortly join our other memorials. It will fill a gap of omission at the Park, honoring those whose sacrifice gave Americans a Nation worth defending. The next gap to be filled will be a memorial to honor the current generation of Americans who are fighting the Global War on Terror. Our community is steeped in military tradition and enriched with a strong military presence. The full range of service, sacrifice, duty and honor that comes with military service is amply illustrated in the example of our own citizens. This park is dedicated to the memories of those who sacrificed their lives in the defense of this nation.