I encourage anyone who visits the Pensacola area to take the time to visit these two memorials. They are located across the street from each other along Bayfront Parkway.
The National Memorial to Missing Children was the idea of Kathy Gaut, whose 19-year-old daughter disappeared from Pensacola in 1992. The odd bronze sculpture of two giant bronze forearms and hands arched over a naked mom, dad, and baby by Sarasota artist, Sam Nettles, was dedicated in 2002. There have been complaints that homeless people sleep around the out-of-the-way memorial -- but the sculpture is named, after all, "The Sanctuary" and is located across the street from the Veterans Memorial Park.
The Veterans Memorial Park is home of Wall South, the first permanent replica of the National Vietnam War Memorial. Founded in 1992 the Park has since grown and prospered. It now includes a WWI Memorial, a WWII Memorial, a Korean War Memorial, and a running series of plaques to honor local warriors who have fallen in the Global War on Terror. There is also a Purple Heart Memorial and a monument to the submarine lifeguards who rescued so many Navy pilots in WWII (including President George Herbert Walker Bash). Most recently, it is home to the Marine Corps Aviation Bell Tower, which has become a popular venue for local veteran's events and ceremonies.
Our Park continues to grow. A Revolutionary War Memorial has been approved and will shortly join our other memorials. It will fill a gap of omission at the Park, honoring those whose sacrifice gave Americans a Nation worth defending. The next gap to be filled will be a memorial to honor the current generation of Americans who are fighting the Global War on Terror. Our community is steeped in military tradition and enriched with a strong military presence. The full range of service, sacrifice, duty and honor that comes with military service is amply illustrated in the example of our own citizens. This park is dedicated to the memories of those who sacrificed their lives in the defense of this nation.