Monday, January 02, 2023


After I get my MRI results (hopefully today), I'm going out of town in a few days on sort of a "spa retreat" (spiritual journey) for about a week or so.  While I'm gone, I'll be off the grid so to speak so I won't be posting anything (no internet access).  Isn't that fabulous to be somewhere these days that claims to be a technological dead zone? I'm actually excited to rough it for a few days.  Anyway, I have some soul-searching I need to do and this all came exactly at the right time when I needed it most. There are things in my life that are out of alignment and since a chiropractor can't help me with these problem I'm left to my own devices. These things that are "out of alignment" I feel them constantly and I can't seem to shove them back into place no matter how hard I try. I know that probably sounds goofy as hell, but trust me on this one that it's not goofy at all. It causes me much mental distress so I'm going to get mentally lubed by people who do this for a living and shove everything back into place and let the rest go into the ozone or wherever negative energy goes.


  1. I hope you get your MRI results (and that they are better than mine). I also hope your retreat is restorative. And fun.

    1. I've been checking and they didn't come in today, but I'm concerned about you. What's up with you? If you prefer not to say here, there's a link to my email on my profile.

    2. My results showed that my MS (which the specialist believed was in remission) is active and that there are new lesions on my brain. Lesions which show damage that cannot be cured.

  2. I hope you find some answers and peace on retreat.

    1. Thank you...still not results yet. and I'm not feeling well so I may not be going on this retreat this time.

  3. May your retreat be all you hope and need it to be, and your test results be better than expected.

  4. I hope you find the equilibrium you seek.
