Showing posts with label black Lab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black Lab. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Before anyone gets their underwear in a big wad, I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid! Yes, Ronnie was named
after Ronald Reagan. Ronnie was purchased on the day of President Reagan's death. My step-father and my daughter decided to buy a black Lab puppy and were having trouble agreeing on a name for him so I suggested the name Ronnie. My step-father was a staunch Republican so the name Ronnie was a given. Ronnie passed away yesterday after living a very long and happy life. Please keep my daughter and her family in your thoughts. Ronnie was a part of her family for many, many years and will be missed by all. He was a beautiful black Lab and although as he grew old, he slowed down and like an old person he grew fragile, slow and stubborn, but he always remained that beautiful black Lab puppy that they brought home many years ago in all our hearts. Rest in peace, Ronnie and go be with Grandpa now.