Monday, October 21, 2019

Great Expectations

I'm going to keep this short and sweet and fill this with as little drama as possible. I'm sure the people who read this blog and/or comment here have noticed there's a troll who has attempted to hijack the comment section on a few posts. I just changed my blog settings from allowing anyone to comment on my blog posts to allowing only people who have a Google account. Hopefully, this at least will prevent said troll from lurking in anonymity and quite frankly, bugging the hell out of me by rambling on about some British chick he'd like to bang.  If this troll chooses to stick around and to continue to dazzle everyone with his comedic genius then he'll have to do so with his actual Google account.  

Just so everyone is clear about my expectations... If you come here to read, then read. If you come here to read and comment, then read and comment, BUT please stay on topic.  If you need to contact me or ask me a question that doesn't pertain to the topic then do so at one of these email addresses : or BUT Mr. Troll that isn't an invitation for you to flood my inboxes with email.

Now, carry on and do all those disgustingly fun Monday night things all Mildred Misfits do, but don't forget to take pictures!!!

HRH Mildred Ratched


  1. A troll free zone sounds good. Rightly or wrongly I assume those that spread the type of rubbish on your last few posts do so because they are sexually deprived and have time on their hands...

    1. Who knows why people do what they do. I just want them to do it elsewhere!

  2. Let me suggest a few other outlets for their sexual deprivation... No, seriously. I will not lower myself to that. A troll free zone sounds lovely.

  3. Replies
    1. I wouldn't mind anonymous comments as long as they would stick to the topic but this person was getting outrageous.

  4. He has come to my blog now. I've got a couple of commenters that don't have google accounts so I can't turn off name/anonymous. I've sent something to blogger help to see if they can do anything.

    1. Just change your settings and then he won't be able to anonymously troll your blog. I hated to do it but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

  5. Making the same basic comment on blog after blog is such a weird way to entertain oneself.

  6. Replies
    1. Most definitely, but this wanker wasn't as intelligent as Pariah.
