Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Every now and then I pay attention to billboards I see around town, Here are a few I've seen in my travels around the Redneck Riviera:

It looks like we might still be fighting the Civil War here.
Didn't anyone tell these folks the war was over in 1865?
That doesn't look like one nation under God to me.

This one gave me the creeps. Okay, I get it! Don't sleep with your baby!
You might smother your baby, but come on, a billboard?
What happened to common sense?

It looks like we have a local syphilis problem!
So go to your doctor.
Get some penicillin. End of story!

Oh yeah! We definitely have a syphilis problem
when I see at least 5 billboards in a few miles. 
So go see your doctor and stop spreading 
that stuff around you nasty scum buckets!

This one just seems crazy to me! I know there's people out
there who don't vaccinate their children, but they usually live to regret it
as soon as their child gets one or more childhood diseases.
I've never known anyone who gotten these things listed here from a vaccination.

When I was a child how childhood diseases were handled was if there was an outbreak of measles or chicken pox, you'd expose your child to them to get them over the disease. One winter when I was very young. I don't think I was even school age yet, I was very sick. I had one thing right after another. By Christmas, I was so weak I had to be carried downstairs to open my gifts. The one thing I didn't have that winter was chicken pox.

I saved that honor until I was 28 years old and my husband gave me a helluva case of chicken pox when he came home on leave. That's a post for another time...

I guess what I want to say here is why wouldn't anyone want to protect their child against getting this disease or any other disease? Any medicine has a risk of having a side effect. Does that mean don't take it? You take it with caution. You educate yourself. You arm yourself with the facts and then you do what you think is best. Some people think putting an unvaccinated child out in this germ filled world is what's best while others want to do everything they can do to safeguard their child. What do you think?

An afterthought: Don't schools require vaccinations in order to register your children for school? Is the way around that requirement to homeschool your children? These children are not only high risk to catching childhood diseases as adults, they also develop no social skills because they grow up being isolated from other children. Wow! Wow! Wow! And again wow!


  1. I remember being exposed to disease when they came round.
    Fun times for my mother who often had four children at home in various stages of various ailments.
    I am a huge fan of vaccinations. Not least because NOT vaccinating your child puts other people at risk.

    1. My mother had four children also and whenever we got sick it was never all at once. We always took turns with her being the last one to get whatever we had. I, too am a fan of vaccinations. They may not be perfect, but they sure beat the alternative.

  2. I think anti-vaxxers are crazy. They are not doing their kids any favours.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's not nice to tease Mildred! Were you going to dazzle me with something, sweetie? A pie, perhaps?

  4. The first sign make no sense; the civil war was the antithesis of the statement. When Lincoln said that the South said no thank you etc.
    The anti-vaxxer sign is just evil in my opinion.

    1. You know not much in these parts make sense, So often I feel like a fish out of water.

  5. There is so much that is not understandable today. You touched a bunch of them. The harm that is done to children is so darn maddening.

    1. It's sad that children have to pay for adult's ignorance and abuse.
