Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Spoiled dogs waiting for bones
Saturday morning I was coming back from a "shopping trip" at a local medical cannabis  dispensary (VidaCann) when I took a short cut across town because I wanted to stop at a certain grocery store to buy my spoiled dogs some bones. Publix is the only store here in Pensacola where the butcher packages the discarded bones and puts them in the freezer section. I cut across Michigan Avenue to get to Publix and before I knew it I was right by where I used to live with my ex-husband.

Keep in mind it's been a very long time since I've been married. When I say a very long time, I mean a VERY long time. I've been divorced since 1997. I'm not against marriage. I don't hate my ex-husband. I'm not bitter. I don't hate men. I think holding grudges and harboring resentment only hurts the person who holds that negative stuff inside them. I had to let that stuff go and forgive...not for their sake but for mine. And as for marriage... I found that being alone was better than being with the wrong person. I'm not saying there isn't a right person out there for me. All I'm saying is that to date, I haven't found that person. I'm not actively looking so chances of me finding that person is slim to nil...

Anyway, getting back to my little story. When I drove past where I used to live I had the strangest reaction. I got a knot in the pit of my stomach.  I'm not what I would call a high strung, anxious person, but seeing my old home sure brought out some anxiety or something in me.  All of sudden it was hard to breathe. I felt hot all over. I had a knot in the pit of my stomach and then I felt nauseous. It all passed rather quickly. Almost as quickly as it started. But I kept having a strange feeling like I almost expected to run into my ex-husband at the grocery store or some place else. I didn't and I'm glad I didn't. It just was weird and it rattled me for a moment or two and I usually don't get rattled. By the time I got home I was okay and my dogs were glad to see momma had brought them a special treat.


  1. You had me at the opening pictures with your babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh....and is that a long haired dachshund with its tongue out!?!? Bwhahahahahahahaha

    2. lol that's a DOODLE! He's a Dachshund-poodle mix and he's a real live wire. Everyone should have a doodle. He's so smart...too smart! It just amazes me at times.

  2. Some emotions and reactions linger in the subconscious for longer than we think.

  3. Something like that is still going to linger, even when we're over it.

    1. That's written like you personally know from experience that these things do happen. Thank you for weighing in on the topic.

  4. I have been hit with feelings like that. Out of the blue. They left me shaky for a while. Glad that you had the dogs to come home too. With treats.

    1. OMG! Every time I come home even if I'm only gone for a few minutes I get mauled like I've been gone for hours. I have to admit it's nice to be missed and loved like that. My Shih Tzu is my baby. She's my lapdog and when I come in through the door, she starts giving me kisses on my legs.

  5. My first teaching job here in Calif. was at a school with poor socioeconomic population and gang affiliation. Moved to a different school after a few years. Every time we drove by the old school I had the same experiences.

    that never went away totally. I have teacher dreams.

    1. Do you remember certain students or just the school? I have a post I should write regarding a teacher related incident you might like.

  6. Replies
    1. OMG, so am I! I don't know if I could have gone in the grocery store like that. It really made driving difficult. Damn ex-husbands! lol He probably was sticking a pin in a voodoo doll!

  7. are you sure it wasn't a minigasm? I'm kidding. Don't hurt me.

  8. Replies
    1. I always loved this photo. Any photo of an animal has my vote....especially if they're cute.
