Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Quarantined Day #1

What's with all the friggin' hoarding?  I can understand that people are freaked out over the coronavirus, but come on, be considerate of one another.  We all have to wipe our asses, right? We all have to eat, right?  And in my case, where I'm a diabetic, I have to test my blood sugar.  And because I have to test my blood sugar, I have to use alcohol swabs. But guess what I can't find anywhere? Okay, I can make do without them. I'll just wash my hands before testing with hot, soapy water. No big deal.  But it irks me that I have to make do without them because people have needlessly stockpiled alcohol swabs and have caused a shortage. Although I guess I'm rather used to that sort of thing because I live in Florida and during hurricane season people lose their mind every year. Try buying a loaf of bread, a battery, a bottle of water, a generator or anything else if a storm is anywhere near Florida.  But as Trumplethinskin, our fearless and quite sagely leader says this too shall pass, but only when it when it gets hot outside, remember? Heat is supposed to kill the virus according to Trump. Just where does he get his info? FOX News? Wait! It is hot! It was 80 degrees here today!  Sigh...a HUGE sigh and I'll be so glad when November passes. Please tell me that HUGE overgrown orange pompous boobette will be living somewhere other than in Washington DC after next January....PLEASE! Oh no! That’s right! He moved his official residence to fucking Florida! He doesn’t live in New York anymore. I’m going to cry. People that’s not funny on any level. So stop laughing! I can hear you snickering over there in the corner. I see you! Mildred sees EVERYTHING!

Now, for the big news of the day. Old Mildred got tested for coronavirus early this morning and while it wasn't on my bucket list of things to do, I did it because I have a 92-year-old mother living under the same roof as I do and well you see, Martha and I got exposed to the nasty "HOAX" Chinese virus somewhere in our travels and the Health Department tracked Martha down to let her know. That was so kind of them to do and that was so snarky of me to say :) Anyway, the nasal swab didn't bother me too much even though it felt like they were probing for lost brain cells from my misspent youth. Martha claimed she cried when they swabbed her and she couldn't see immediately afterwards. They must have hit her G-spot.

So, everyone living under both roofs are officially QUARANTINED until we get our results in 4 or 5 days. It sucks to be us!


  1. Good luck.
    And I won't even begin to say what I think of the orange arsewipe, who now says that he always knew it was serious, but downplayed it so as not to worry the public.
    The panick buying oxygen thieves are out in force here too. No toilet paper, soap, hand sanitiser. No flour. No pasta. No yeast.
    And they have taken ALL of the flour and the pasta. Tough luck if you have coeliac disease and need the gluten free varieties to survive - they are stashing away in a hoarding person's pantry.

    1. I just can't wrap my head around why people are acting this way nor do I want to wrap my head around it. I just want to divorce myself of the whole mess and come back when it's over.

  2. 4 or 5 days is a no brainer. At least you got tested. They could have said self quarantine for 14 days and well check on you afterwards to see if your still alive.

  3. "They must have hit her G-spot" -- hahahahahahaha! I hope both the tests come back negative. In the meantime, make the best of quarantine.

    1. Thanks and I always make the best of any situation and you do the same.

  4. Yikes!!! Well hopefully the tests come back negative!
    I don't get the hoarding, maybe people fear the stores being closed down as well. I really don't understand the run on toilet paper that is still happening! How many rolls of toilet paper does a person need? You would think everyone has enough by now for Pete's sake!

    1. I think I'm going to go door to door and trick or treat for toilet paper.

  5. It doesn't suck to be you because you got tested. I know many who are very very sick and can't get a test. Stay safe and hunker down. We need you to be well as well as your mom!

  6. Ihave no idea why, but when you wrote that they must have hit her g-spot I was reminded of a quote from the movie "Compromising Positions" a murder mystery about the killing of a philandering dentist who "serviced" his being Judith.

    "Well, he certainly cleared my sinuses!"

    Yeah, I know. I'm a bit off. Anyway, glad you and your mother were tested.

    1. Jnuts, what can I say? What can I do? Quick get a swabs! Get one of those really long wooden swabs with barbs on it please...

  7. OMG hitting the G-Spot while getting a Nasal COVID-19 Swab made me laugh so hard I almost couldn't stop! Thank You... there hasn't been too much to Laugh that heartily about lately so the Levity is Welcome!

    1. OMG! You should be around Martha and I when we get on a tear. I always seem to be able to find the humor in anything. I guess that's why Martha always is giving me these weird looks like I'm off the wall. I can't help it if I'm different and special or that's my story and I'm sticking to it for now at least.

  8. G-spot? damn......that hasn't been hit in a very long time!I can only dream!!!

    1. Maybe you should instruct Google maps where it is so it can be found. Just a suggestion!
