Thursday, October 27, 2022


Bill Engvall suggests that stupid people should wear a sign cautioning others of their stupidity. Well, I have a group of people I can add to that ever growing population of willfully dense people. 

 On October 7, 2022 I wrote a blog post titled  A SIGN OF OUR TIMES discussing a reading comprehnsion problem and what that problem might cause. The other day my son called me on his lunch break informing me that my prediction had finally come true. Instead of handing out fines, I suggest they shame people by placing stickers on these peoples cars indicating that they can't read and/or follow directions.





  1. And the mishap occurred in the handicap parking spot too!

    1. I can't tell you how many times I have gone there and there's at least three or four cars along that side of the parking lot parked that way, It was just a matter of time before that happened. I was surprised that the car didn't make it into the doctor's offices below because the space isn't that much. Can you inagine the look on the person face when that guard rail gave way? OMG! It had to have been a true Kodak moment! I wish I could have been there! I'm glad nobody was hurt, but it never cease to amaze me the stupidy of people.

  2. Sigh. Stupid? Or self entitled believing that rules are for other people?

    1. I would have to say it's combination of the two in most people's cases.

  3. You spoke about safety in an earlier post. For safety, i always back into parking spaces, here we have to watch for carjackers and police tell us to always back in so when we get in the car, we can get the engine going and put it in drive right away, it lessens our chances of being a victim.

    For that reason, i'd park elsewhere.

    1. But it is posted not to park like that for obvious reasons. I wonder since this has happened if people are still doing it. I bet they are!
