Sunday, October 16, 2022


Television commercials back in the Stone Age when I was a kid were anything, but outrageous or shocking. Just reflect for a moment and think how prim and proper everything used to be. Do you remember how the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) kept a tight lid on anything that strayed outside the norm and might be considered offensive or profane? Today just about anything is acceptable. Can you imagine what the public outcry would have been decades ago if an erectile dysfunction or feminine hygiene commercial would have aired? Now, everyone has been properly desensitized and nothing seems shocking or in bad taste.

Yes, it wasn't too long ago when many topics and products were deemed off limits to advertise or discuss. Those products existed, but they were shopped for in secrecy and hidden away as if anyone who used them was somehow defective and twisted. Now, most people just roll their eyes when a Viagra or Cialis commercial comes on the television. K-Y Jelly may still illicit a chuckle or a rude comment or two in some circles, but even the manufacturers of K-Y stepped it up a notch by coming out with K-Y Yours and Mine Couples Lubricant for those moments you want to explore new feelings together. Condoms? No big deal! Do you have a problem with flatulence? Try Bean-O! Do you have leaky pipes? Grab a Depends and worry no more. So what's next?

Is there anything deemed outrageous anymore? When Poo-pourri first hit the market, I thought their commercial.was hilarious. It wasn't until I discovered Poo-pourri is a legitimate product that it really made me laugh. Now when someone says their shit doesn't stink, they may be telling you the truth. And nothing quite says "Merry Christmas" like Merry Spritzmas Poo-pourri and a gift box full of shit glitter pills. Got a princess on your gift list or someone who is impossible to shop for because they have EVERYTHING already? Check Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom or Bloomingdale's to see who sells high end shit glitter pills for $450 per capsule. On a budget? Be creative and make your own glitter pills. [*LIGHTBULB MOMENT*] I think the next time I have a colonoscopy, I'm going to load up on glitter pills to make my intestines festive looking for the gastroenterologist. 

*repost from July 27, 2018


  1. Smiling at the idea of treating your gastroenterologist. Big time.

    1. Ha! Ha! Ha! I thought it was a marvelous idea. Can you imagine the WTF look the doctor would have on his face? A definite Kodak moment!

  2. I wonder if you can get a discount for a 100 capsule bottle of glitter pills?

    1. I have to respect a man who buys in bulk! This day and age one has to think about the bottom line. [pun intended]

  3. On the other hand, cigarette ads and commercials are no longer allowed. With that, even taking into account all that you list here, I think we're better off.

  4. I think it was us gay guys eliminating glitter for years already , nothing new there. We should have cornered that market then,lol!!!!!

    1. If you had done that, you could have been rich to go along with being beautiful already.

  5. Nice post. As I suffer from WMD grade flatulence and poo-based aroma, I believe that any product would have a real uphill job to have any effect. As far as the "glitter balls" are concerned, I'm a wee bit confused. Do they appear in the poo or around it?

    Why not apply some fairy glitter dust around your "sensitive" areas before your next GYNY visit. I would bet it would cause a modicum of mirth from the medic.

    1. I think you should give the product a test and give us all a thorough review of its effectiveness. I'm not sure about the glitter...I've never tried it, but logic would say that it would be throughout your poop and the more you consumed, the more glitter would make a glorious entrance.

      Great idea about the "fairy glitter dust" on my private parts. I'll have to test it out so I can see the reaction it gets. I can always claim my areas that don't get any sunlight are so fabulous they glitter and sparkle and some would even say they smile!

  6. We have ads for VIP Poo which I still laugh at - I wonder if they sell any? Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. According to a report I read about Poo-Pourri, since 2007, 17 million bottles of Poo-Pourri have sold. Annual sales now top $30 million. Looks like there's money to be made in the poop business.

  7. I have poo-pourri in my bathrooms, in my purse. I love this product. So there is money being made! How about the commercial for probiotics that talks about ladies having to poop. Some channels bleep the word poop. I find that hysterical. Seriously of all things on TV poop is the least offensive to me. It shocked me when I first saw it, not offended, just surprised that they had a commercial like this with women on the toilet.
