Thursday, February 25, 2010


With diabetes, can come many complications. One of the more aggravating complications that has been bothering me for several years is diabetic neuropathy in my feet. For anyone not familiar with how this condition manifests itself, I can liken it to someone taking a lit cigarette and touching it all over my feet. When I do have any sensation in my feet, my nerves seem to be in overdrive. When the feeling subsides, my feet are numb. There's no middle ground and of the two, I prefer numbness!

I've tried many medications to help relieve my diabetic neuropathy. Not long after I was first diagnosed with diabetes about 8 years ago, I was given Neurontin (gabapentin). I saw no improvement even with high doses of the drug, but my stomach bothered me and my head hurt the whole time I took it. The same held true for Lyrica. I tried it twice and the whole time I took Lyrica I had a dull ache at the base of my head, my digestive tract hated the drug and my vision was blurry. Topamax just dulled my whole brain, but not my feet. I became forgetful and my stomach bothered me the whole time I took it. Recently I tried Savella, a brand new drug usually prescribed for fibromyalgia. The doctor gave me a starter pack as a free sample.

Savella is a medication that a person has to gradually increase over a two week period to reach the optimal dosage. By the end of the first week, my mind was racing all the time, I couldn't sleep at all (I do very little of that anyway) and things that happened 40 years ago were bothering me like they had just happened yesterday. If I had continued on taking Savella, they would have had to put me in a rubber room by the end of the second week. When I discontinued taking it, the drug took about 3 days to get completely out of my system.

After becoming discouraged and frustrated, I listened to the suggestion of a good friend who suggested that I try taking B-complex vitamins once a day. Although the burning sensation isn't completely gone, I have to admit that it has greatly improved. Mind over matter? Who knows? What I do know is that each person is an individual with a different body chemistry than anyone else. How can doctors prescribe a drug and expect it to work for everyone if no two people are genetically identical? Doesn't it make more sense to take something that your body may be deficient in due to the chronic illness? I guess I'm giving a little bit of a holistic approach to my medical problems to see where it leads me. What have I got to lose? The same old same old seems to be zapping my strength and sucking the life out of me slowly.

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for common sense, logic and the strength to follow my own path.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I guess the hardest part for me to deal with is the acceptance of my own limitations. After being Wonder Woman most of my adult life, how can I go from that to being the Seahag on Popeye? I've always had a somewhat "negative" thought process (I call it being a realist), but I could always function. I never felt depressed until about two years ago and then POW!

I really didn't know what hit me. I lost my ability to bounce back from all the things life was throwing my way. I completely lost my ability to function normally. Perhaps the difference is due to the physical illnesses I have developed over the last decade. Those things which challenge me physically in combination with my negative thought processes seem to have created the Grand Poobah of clusterfucks. Every little thing seems tightly interwoven to the next and this intricate maze I run like a trapped lab rat has no end. I want my reward and I want it NOW! Damn it! Where's my hunk of cheese?

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for the days I was Wonder Woman because I looked hot in that skimpy outfit and boots.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


No post! Just a picture of where I sit and type and type and type....

Items featured in picture from left to right: a laptop screen, tassels from my 3 children's graduations, a hand statue giving the peace sign (to remind me of my roots), a mouse because I hate the built-in laptop mouse sitting on wizard of oz mouse pad (Dear Dorothy: Hate Oz, Took the shoes. Find your own way home! Toto), a bottle of hand sanitizer for all my dirty jobs & a pencil holder made by my youngest son in 1986 filled with writing implements and scissors sitting on the wooden box I used to keep filled with joints (the box has been empty since 1985 and is now used for paperclips), my trusty 8-ball for all my major decisions sitting on top of my kitty drink coaster, my rolodex sitting on my "little black book" (names with 5 stars beside them probably all have E.D. now), wizard of oz paraphernalia (ruby slippers are made from cast iron and can really pack a wallop...beware wicked witches!) sitting in front of my beautiful reverse painted lamp. On the wall - metal wizard of oz poster and candles on window sill. I guess the only things missing are some incense and a circle of people singing Kumbaya (or Somewhere Over The Rainbow...wait a minute! I already posted that song, didn't I?).

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for all the great decisions my 8-ball has made for me.

Monday, February 22, 2010


People with alternative lifestyles or who have a different sexual orientation than the rest of mainstream America may reside in a closet until they decide to emerge, but depressed people dwell in a dark, dingy cave many times filled with items of convenience so they won't have to ever emerge. A few years ago, I purchased a small refrigerator and a microwave to put in my bedroom, so I wouldn't have to leave it. That was around the same time as I bought a 52-inch HDTV. I should have seen the writing on the wall, but like most things, I ignored the warning signs until the damage had been done.

Hey, people I live in Florida and in an area where the beaches don't suck. As described in the following quote: "The gentle breeze is still soothing just as the crystal-clear waves roll in from the emerald sea. The flawless white sand is just as soft as before, and the sea oats still dance for a glowing sun" Pensacola boasts to have the whitest beaches in Florida. So why does a person who once was a sun worshipper no longer even venture out into the light of day? No, I haven't joined the ranks of the undead! Not yet, at least!

I think it has to do with having an addictive personality. I always loved to binge and then I'd grow bored with the object of my addiction. This behavior held true in every aspect of my life. For example, I loved to read, but unlike a normal person who would read a book and then go onto the next or perhaps take a break between books, I would read 10 books in 2 weeks and then be done for 6 months or more. I buy books now and never read them. I sit and look at the cover or maybe read the first page a few hundred times. I guess the same holds true with the beach. I burnt myself out on being sun burned. Actually, that's probably a good thing!

Tomorrow, I have my next yoyo appointment. I know she wants me to start dealing with issues I'd rather just leave in the cave. I'd rather discuss how I've spent the last 2 days cleaning and rearranging my cave and how good that made me feel...physically drained, but mentally better. I'd rather talk about why I feel the need to throw something away if I haven't used it in 6 months and why I have so little in which I assign sentimental value. Material objects have never meant very much to me...easy come, easy go! I'd rather discuss anything other than sexual abuse. I think I may be in a horribly foul mood tomorrow!

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful it's today and not tomorrow.


Gratitude statement: I'm thankful this song makes me feel the same way today as it did the very first time I heard it as a child. I'm sorry Judy, but today Eva is at the microphone.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Please allow me to introduce myself!

Any insomniac, addict, mentally or emotionally disturbed person or anyone who has ever been in dire straits and is at the end of their rope with nowhere to go is well-acquainted with temptation, self-indulgence and pleasure seeking behaviors. Satan, imaginary or not, comes in many forms and touches the lives of the most desperate. We are his army, the hedonists of the world. Even when we are not capable of feeling pleasure, there is the memory of pleasure and what a driving force that can be. To love one more time…to feel the pleasure of carnal knowledge and fleshy delights one more time, to experience whatever revs your engines and gets the juices flowing…the ultimate mind candy! Perhaps, he, the undoer of all good is the “secondary gain” (see previous post) keeping all questionable, unhealthy behaviors afloat.

Gratitude statement: I am thankful to be a survivor!


Please allow me to introduce myself!

Any insomniac, addict, mentally or emotionally disturbed person or anyone who has ever been in dire straits and is at the end of their rope with nowhere to go is well-acquainted with temptation, self-indulgence and pleasure seeking behaviors. Satan, imaginary or not, comes in many forms and touches the lives of the most desperate. We are his army, the hedonists of the world. Even when we are not capable of feeling pleasure, there is the memory of pleasure and what a driving force that can be. To love one more feel the pleasure of carnal knowledge and fleshy delights one more time, to experience whatever revs your engines and gets the juices flowing...the ultimate mind candy! Perhaps, he, the undoer of all good is the "secondary gain" (see previous post) keeping all questionable, unhealthy behaviors afloat.

Gratitude statement: I am thankful to be a survivor!


I ordered two workbooks my yoyo inspector wants me to do work in. When the package came, I immediately opened the book to see if the order was right, but then took the box and deposited it in my bedroom, the infamous cave. Did I ever tell anyone what color my cave walls are painted? They're bohemian red (dark red). I have African masks on the walls and a few wooden African statues. Over my bed or at least one of my beds, the one in the "red room" (I have 3 places in the house I attempt sleep) I have a large framed Wizard of Oz poster.

Getting back to the workbooks sat in the box until last night while I was watching Bill Maher's HBO show Real Time. I picked up the one titled The Courage to Heal Workbook For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse and held it in my hands for about 2 seconds before tossing it back in the box. Nope! I wasn't ready for that one yet!
The other seemed less intimidating: Pain Recovery How to Find Balance and Reduce Suffering from Chronic Pain A Comprehensive Opioid-Free Approach. How's that for a title?

I opened the book and started reading. Almost immediately, there was a large caution written? Basically, it said cold turkey isn't the way to kick a habit. I wrote an "OOPS!!" in the margin. I guess that's not a good way to start a new program by doing things the Mildred Ratched method (like that way has worked so well for me in the past).

I got through the first exercise okay. I had to identify my causes of chronic pain from a rather long list. I checked off what applied to me. The next exercise, I read and went blank. I really didn't know what to write. I read it again and still drew a blank, so I went on to the next exercise. This little jewel was titled: Secondary Gain: A Hidden Barrier to Recovery. I felt like someone had slapped me in the face. I instantly felt so embarrassed and ashamed that I wanted to runaway or at least never come out of my cave again. I can't do this! I can't make myself feel worse while I'm already teetering on the edge. My very thin lifeline has been being able to express how I feel and now I feel I shouldn't do that because it's a secondary gain. WTF!!! Retreat! Stay silent! Don't ask, don't tell!

To quote the book: Secondary gain refers to any perceived benefit you receive from having pain. If not indentified, secondary gain gives you unconscious reasons for holding onto your pain. This does not mean you are pretending to hurt for the benefits you get, just that the perceived benefits make pain rewarding in some ways and thus more complicated to treat. (pain junkie aka glutton for punishmnet)

My next blog entry will deal with the list of perceived payoffs I get for being in pain. I need awhile to warp my short-circuited brain around this so I can start to move past it. This isn't something I want to do because just the thought of secondary gain is causing me pain, stress, embarrassment and shame, but since I'm a glutton for punishment I'll do it and I'll do it with honesty and conviction.

Gratitude statement: Although recovering is a difficult and lifelong process, taking the first step is the hardest. I'm thankful for having the courage and good sense to take that first step.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Sleep finally came sometime after 3am. I drifted off while watching the shows I had recorded on my DVR. I don't remember dreaming, but that isn't unusual for someone with sleep apnea. The place where dreams live somewhere deep in R.E.M., is a place that prohibits apneatic individuals from entering.

When I sleep, I sleep in dreamless slumber. I awake feeling as if someone had been scratching around inside my head. Today, I awoke shortly after 6am feeling sick; almost as if I had a hangover without the benefit of being drunk. After sitting on the edge of the couch for several minutes contemplating if my legs were actually strong enough to support me, I stood slowly and staggered to the kitchen for a drink of water. What desert had I trudged across in my few hours of sleep to cause this excessive thirst? Who had I battled to feel this sore?

Gratitude statement: I was going to write TGIF, but I haven't worked since December 2008, so Friday is Sunday is Wednesday to me. How about this...I hear birds singing again this morning and for those melodious creatures I am thankful. They sing and fly and remind me how much more beautiful they are than mankind.


Hail to vampires, The French Quarter, Mardi Gras, Anne Rice, The New Orleans Saints and all those things that make New Orleans the city of mystique that it is.

Gratitude statement: I am truly thankful that the pen really is mightier than the sword.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Jim Henson (September 24, 1936 – May 16, 1990), creator of The Muppets.

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for creative people.


My first "sleep vice" will be designed for my sadomasochist clientele....a full-length body foam rubber encasement (similar to memory foam pillows and mattresses, but softer...that stuff may mold to your body, but it's not comfortable) lined with rose thorns. A similiar version can be made with a sandpaper lining for those people looking for alittle discomfort and displeasure, but not actual pain. Stay tuned for more creative sleep aids.

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful I'm not a sadomasochist.


I think the whole point to sleep is to awake refreshed and revitalized and ready for the day ahead. When I do sleep it's in a very broken fashion. It seems every time I move, I wake up in pain. I wonder if there's some device to hold a person in one position so they cannot move at all. Duck tape can get expensive! Wait...maybe I need to patent that idea. I'll be really pissed off if in ten years from now, I see an ad on the TV for a "sleep vice" and I didn't create it.

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for the friends who hang in there with me even when I don't deserve their loyalty.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A loving and very concerned cousin told me that I needed to get a "herring choker." A what?  A downeaster, a lumberjack, a fisherman...a good old Mainiac!  You know he might have a point...I have been in self-imposed "time out" what seems like forever.  Why?  Well, I have impaired judgment when it comes to men.  I like the badboys!  No, I don't want to fix them...I want them to stay just as they are and there lies the problem.  Badboys and relationships don't go together very well.  Nice = boring in my mind!  Okay, I know that thinking is wrong so that's why I'm in "time-out."  Naughty me!  I need time to sort through the error of my ways and fix my thinking regarding men and my preferences.

Gratitude statement: Thank God for time-out because it keeps me out of trouble!


According to the YoYo Inspector I'm seeing to cure me of my cave-dwelling ways, I should "journal" everyday. Does blogging count as journaling? I can choose my own topic, but at the end of each entry I'm supposed to include at least one "gratitude" statement. it! I'm ready to start this journey!

Gratitude statement: I'm mighty grateful I don't have hemorrhoids.


How do I turn off the "reactions" on each post. Reactions? WTF! What programmer thinks up this willfully dense shit anyway?

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for being smart enough to ask for help when I'm stuck and can't figure something out on my own.


Once a person becomes depressed, do they ever really recover from it?

Gratitude statement: I'm thankful for the time to search for that answer.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


Oh no! This can’t be! Who would do such a thing and not want sexual favors in return? OOOPS…maybe I spoke too soon! Please read on and experience the mental orgasm I had from discovering/rediscovering how friendship via the ole blogosphere transcends time and distance. I highly recommend you add the links below to your list of "must reads".

There’s No Place Like Home?

"It’s my mother blog. It’s my sister blog. It’s my mother and my sister blog."

Okay, so I paraphrased a quote from Chinatown. Sue Me. I used it as an example of just how screwed up and fickle I am. After reaching the bottom of a very empty blogspot barrel and realizing I had nothing left to scrape, I did what I thought was necessary. I closed down and came back to my mother blog, hoping for some kind of renewal…a kind of blog barrel refilling, so to speak.

Unfortunately, mother/home/blog no longer offered sweet repose on her ample bosom. The old gal had undergone plastic surgery, an extreme makeover, a rethinking of old values and decided sitting around waiting for an errant son was not her cup of Earl Grey. Stupid bitch was out partying.

Not to mention, most of the kids I went to blog school with were no longer here. What I hoped would be a stay filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread and pies while visiting with good friends on the stoop, turned out to be disappointing. A post-it note on the fridge telling me to "throw a lean cuisine in the microwave if I got hungry" didn’t quite have the warmth I was hoping for.

So, I did what most ungrateful brats do in today’s world. I left my blog a mess, hopped a boxcar, and hoped ma blog would clean up the place and put a candle in the window…for the time when I would grace the ol’ gal with another visit when I was down and out…or in need of money.

I returned to the newer place I had shuttered a few months earlier, reopened and decided Thomas Woolfe was correct. Bye, Bye Blog American Pie.

Anyway, one of the reasons I had returned to Ma Blog in the first place was to reunite with my first blog love/kindred spirit, Red Kitten. She was the first person I met in blogland and I always felt a certain camaraderie that was warm and fuzzy from the get-go. She left the Spaces ship last year, and though I missed her and checked for her return often, I never did more than that. (I never claimed to be a good son or a good friend.) I always have good intentions, but…well, enough of my deficiencies.

Point is, RK was gone and ol’ ma blog was out doing her Thouroughly Modern Millie thing. What reason did I have to stay? Spaces still moved like compacted shit through a diseased colon and…

Well, bust my buttons, Dorothy, Red Kitten has returned from the land of OZ. Of course, I’m somewhere else on the Yellow Brick Road, hawking home-made poppyseed bread and pastries, but it sure is nice to see her safe and sound in her own backyard. Now, if she would just ditch the blue gingham and pigtails.

If, for some reason, someone stumbles upon this roadside stand, do yourself a favor (after buying a poppyseed brownie and an apple smoothie from yours truly) and head on over to Abnormally Normal People. Find out what truth in bloggertising is all about.

Me? I’m At The Altar of My Ego if you’re interested. I’ll be the one sticking straw down my tin jockstrap in an effort to ease the pain of, you know, wearing a tin jockstrap (tin doesn’t breathe, damnit).


MAY 9, 2009 AT 6:03 AM EDIT
Karen,Nice post, but is it really love….Happy Mother’s Day! 
Peace, Love, Hippie Stuff,Wayward Bill

Stephen Craig
MAY 10, 2009 AT 7:41 AM EDIT
Dear Karen, Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day and As ever be well

MAY 10, 2009 AT 1:35 PM EDIT
Karen: You do me honor, and it’s not really necessary…although, a mental orgasm does sound intriguing. It’s true, of course, that an internet friendship does not replace the day to day, face to face, but in these times, when so many of us turn to the internet for some kind of connection, I’ll take whatever I can get. Now, about those sexual favors….Wayward Bill: Love is a many nuanced and multi-definitioned word. I can’t love Karen in the physical sense, but I can love what she stands for, what she’s been through in life, and what she brings to the table in a relationship. Does the fact that I will probably never meet her negate the "L" word. Hardly. She’s also smart enough to know that. But to makes things clearer for you, let me simply say…I love her for who she is. By the way, Karen: Hope your Mother’s day is filled with all kinds of love.

MAY 10, 2009 AT 2:17 PM EDIT
Happy Mommy’s Day, my friend! Dragon

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Lately, it feels as though my life is some sad cry in your beer County & Western song.  The only thing missing is some two-timing womanizing jerk...thank God for small miracles! It's hard to motivate myself to even begin to write about my days MIA.  I do appreciate all the messages and emails I've received while I've been in this dark cave eating Oreos by myself (just a silly metaphor). Most of you, seem like gentle, patient people who understand how life can really throw zingers a person's way.  

Those of you who nudge me gently...thank you and those who have been demanding and rude...get a life! For Christ sake, life does not revolve around blogging or the internet.  Yes, writing is an excellent outlet and blogging is a great way to get to know people who you might otherwise never get to know...BUT sometimes sharing is just too painful especially when the wound is fresh.  Sometimes the words just aren't there. So how do you capture a tear? Or share a broken heart? How do you convey that being alone is what you need even though everyone says being alone is the worst thing in the world? No, the worst thing in the world is having to watch someone you dearly love slowly waste away and die. The worst thing in the world is not being able to help... And in the end the worst thing in the world is not really knowing if who you loved so dearly knew how deeply you felt or how much that they will be missed after they die. 


My father died a week ago. The pain is fresh and I'll be back when I can focus on topics other than my own sadness.


JUNE 25, 2008 AT 8:15 AM
Oh I know where you’re coming from on SO MANY levels. I wish and hope that the rut you are currently in fades and goes away. It’s not easy to just "get over it" as so many people might think. Life happens and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it other than duck quickly when something gets hurled at you, if you know what I mean. 🙂

We’ll all still be here when you come back – take your time and be good to yourself. 🙂

JUNE 25, 2008 AT 9:15 AM
Thinking of you! Take good care of yourself and don’t rush through what you’re feeling…just because you or others think that you should feel differently…faster. Be patient! Life sometimes throws shit our way. "This too shall pass", as they say, but for now…just be with it and mourn your loss(es)! Many hugs, Nina

JUNE 25, 2008 AT 1:20 PM 
Loss like that one never really ’gets over’ or has’closure’ – be kind to yourself – hugs and soothing cups of tea to help you heal as best you can – and take all the time you need – and I found that I could write a bit about the pain of my recent losses and fear of loss even if it was only a sentence or two – and there were those who understood and that helped – was awhile before I could even strat catching up on other’s spaces but I’m working on it…

JUNE 25, 2008 AT 1:39 PM
good wishes to you

JUNE 25, 2008 AT 3:25 PM 
Take the time you need to take care of yourself. Loss is difficult and the stages of slowly watching someone you love move on is heart-breaking, at best, soul-shredding at worst. Be kind to yourself and try not to second-guess what you’re feeling or whether they know how you felt. Chances are really good that they did and the best way to show them is to have their love, laughter, and joy live on through you! All my best to you! R

JUNE 28, 2008 AT 12:47 AM
How sad you "sound"….Please know that you have a shoulder available to "cry on" privately if needed, and I’ll feed you all the Oreos you want (within health safety guidelines, of course.) Take care of yourself. You obviously have a lot of support out here in "cyberspace"….Maybe if I leave a trail of Oreos I can coax you out of your dark cave???? Think about it as an option, not a demand. I’ll be thinking of you.{{{{{{{{Hug}}}}}}}}}

JUNE 30, 2008 AT 1:10 PM
Don’t neglect yourself. Take the time you need just don’t forget the beauty in the world. Even if at times like this it seems hollow and without meaning, the beauty isn’t just in what you see. Take good care of you…….. and don’t eat too many Oreo cookies.

Stephen Craig
JULY 6, 2008 AT 7:06 PM 
Dear Karen, I am sure they will know and feel your love. My Father is fading fast but seemed to light up again this past week. Mom said one day he was singing and knew all of the words to the song. Next day he was fully dressed in his wheelchair with a big smile and had his wits about him. Mom wheeled him out into the sun for awhile. Today when I called he was back in that deep sleep. God bless him. From the All we come and into the All we must one day return even though we are ever a part of the All.

Sadness is an experience as singular as pain. No one else knows how one feels. Friends keep friends in thoughts and prayers.

As ever be well,

My Friend,

Stephen Craig Rowe

JULY 7, 2008 AT 5:23 PM
I understand. more than I can say…..our hands are here for you whenever you are ready to take them….. our eyes will read whenever you are ready to share….



JULY 8, 2008 AT 9:54 AM
Take care and know that you are loved – always and forever!

Alone is sometimes the best place to be – especially during rough times. There we can release our frustration and gather the strength to go on.

AUGUST 7, 2008 AT 7:07 AM
We parted on bad terms. It was my failure to notice your struggle with pain that made this so. You are correct. There are simply times when we need to heal, or try to heal, alone. Mistakes were made. I take full blame. Yes, love really does hurt. Being a total jerk is the lot I have to live with concerning you. Hoping you find your peace. I’m working on mine. Sincerely hope you find yours first. Second chances are not always readily at hand. Just want you to be happy. That is a perfect truth.


Stephen Craig
AUGUST 23, 2008 AT 11:24 PM
Dear Karen, Work has been busy and all here has been madness mixed with hope, dreams and prayers. The day to day has become, one day at a time. When I rise near the crack of noon my first words are, "Thank God!" As I see the time on my nightstand then fire up the day! Dismissing all that needs be done I then light up my screen and make a pot of coffee. Call my Mother to see how Dad is doing and check email, spaces and blogs. Frame some paintings or make some new art. Then realize it is time to go to work. Enough of this for now. Hope to talk with you soon. As ever be well,

Stephen Craig Rowe

SEPTEMBER 6, 2008 AT 8:51 PM
Well hope everything is working out for you.But honestly for me this place is ruined. And done so by one person to whom the masses bow down to like sheep in the pasture. Why I can’t even come on here unless I’m piss drunk, and then it’s usually just to stir up some shit with the bad doktor blood whom I consider a Internet predator. No, I’ll never have a blog again, and certainly can see why you have left yours.Too bad really. Because it was enjoyable at one time.Take care…

Sunday, February 24, 2008


In the UK, they not only know that milk does the body good, but they know great commercials equal big bucks! This is just alittle something I stole from bones777 while visiting his blog. I thought this commercial might bring a smile to your face this beautiful Sunday morning and make you want to give your bones a boost with a quick shot of milk!

I’ll drink to that!

FEBRUARY 24, 2008 AT 5:33 PM
I like new blog friends from all backgrounds–I think it helps make me a better person by helping me see the world through other people’s eyes. It expands my mind. Plus, I like to read…and I like people to comment on my thoughts (as long as they’re not just being mean). So I look forward to a new online friendship, too! Thanks for coming by!

FEBRUARY 24, 2008 AT 8:49 PM
Kenny, I figured it’s been around for awhile. I guess I should come out of my cave more often and do more visiting. I used the word "cute" for lack of a better word. My family are big commercial freaks and rate commercials as we see them. I was so excited about this one that when I told my youngest son about it, I said if the graphics were a little better it would be Superbowl quality. He understood exactly what I meant and also thought it was great. Perhaps you’re right about the subliminal message…really didn’t look at it in any other aspect than for entertainment value.

LJ, I hope your friend likes it. Let me know what he thinks, okay?

JWL, I haven’t written much about the wedding. In fact, I think I’ve only made one reference to it when I posted their wedding invitation awhile ago and talked about his family. Bobby is a wonderful guy and he treats my daughter like the princess she is and as long as she’s happy then everything is wonderful. I’m really glad that working for the government all those years didn’t make you all twisted. You seem to be open-minded and that’s a rare quality to have these days. That guy with the "harem" is obviously a legend in his own mind. Guys like that have never interested me because it’s difficult to get past the ego. In those rare instances when they really do let someone inside, the inside isn’t worth the effort. I'm sure without ever going to his blog, I’m going to guess he’s not a deep thinker …more the glamor and glitz type filled with fluff and frills. Pictures of his new cars and big talk about his pipe dreams for the future. I wonder how he’s going to afford to keep 1000+ high maintenance women.

Jaysey, I agree and look forward to reading more that you have written on your blog. It looks like both of us are going to be around for awhile so we’ll have plenty of time to become friends.

FEBRUARY 24, 2008 AT 11:13 PM
That video is funny I like that, that gorrila is cute I wonder if he can play the rolling stones hey can I borrow your new rules I would love to put them on my space

FEBRUARY 25, 2008 AT 12:44 AM
Dan, I don’t mind you borrowing my rules as long as you give credit where credit is due. Those are a some of the basics rules to "karenism."

FEBRUARY 25, 2008 AT 10:50 AM
You’re right, It did make my day Red Kitten!!!
BEAT THOSE DRUMS you hairy rocker, good song too!!!
  1. ₪Μy§TẲfiЄĐ₪
    FEBRUARY 26, 2008 AT 12:15 AM
    Hello Karen
    How are you? All good I hope!
    My God! you are stubborn
    But…I hope you’re having a great week 
    for you…

    Garry xox

    FEBRUARY 26, 2008 AT 4:10 AM
    I would follow all your rules, you are beautiful i need to have some rules on my space even if nobody ever visits

    FEBRUARY 26, 2008 AT 5:26 PM
    Stephen, how did you know I’m hairy? Wild guess?
    Garry, I’m stubborn? What did I do now? Or not do?
    Dan, thanks for the compliment and yes, everyone needs rules because rules are made to be broken.

    FEBRUARY 26, 2008 AT 5:45 PM
    It is always a nice surprise to pop in here! Your video helps prevent osteoporosis too!!!