Sunday, December 04, 2022


Truth #8: Call me Scrooge! Call me The Grinch! But Christmas is not what it is supposed to be. People run out and put themselves in debt year after year and for what? Because they feel guilt if they don't completely fill their livingrooms with gifts? That's bullshit! Christmas has become a holiday for the merchants! Period! And each year it comes earlier and earlier. What ever happened to making things for people? Or would that insult someone if they received a homemade gift? I would rather receive a gift from someone that they made. It means so much more to me. In the past I've painted pictures for people and crocheted scarves, etc and yes, I do also buy gifts, but I truly do believe it's a big rat trap and Christmas is meant primarily for children. This year my family has decided since there are no children anymore we are foregoing the gift giving tradition. We're just going to get together, celebrate by being together as a family, have a nice meal, argue amongst ourselves, call each other despicable names and go home with full stomachs and hearts with our humanity and bank accounts intact.


  1. Hear, hear.
    I will bake for selected people and try and keep gift buying to a minimum.

  2. After thirty years of working in mental health, the holiday arguably should be banned like asbestos for all the stress and ill health it causes.
